Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 8: Round 1 is almost over.


As the only guy in this group who actually submitted a picture and profile, I'm going to just cut and paste:

I am a radio newscasters and reporter who also has a gig hosting hockey games for our community television station. From what I can tell I'm not losting my hair at any rate, though at 26 I'm all ready getting a few grey hairs. I say they're distinguished looking!

I note for bonus points that I became an Oiler fan despite living no where near Edmonton and growing up with my uncle and father waging a war of Christmast/Birthday presents to try and win me to either the Maple Leafs or Canadiens. I never budged. I didn't even jump on the bandwagon and become a fan of my home town Senators when they came into the league. I've been to every Oiler game in Ottawa since 1997 (and I'll be going this year despite no longer living anywhere near it) and drove 5 hours to Detroit and 5 hours back for Game 1 of the playoffs this year... before working a 5am shift at work.

In a woman I look for someone who can carry on their end of a conversation, because I love to talk... and talk, and talk, and talk, and listen. I want someone who will challenge me instead of letting me get away with my bullshit. I am attracted to independent women , but have no "type." Plus we all know the hottest women in the world are Oiler fans! *thumbs up*

Why should you vote for him? One picture.

Speeds: He's a prospect junkie on IOF. And stuff.

Vic Ferrari: He's the creator of IOF. And stuff.

Wow, this isn't biased at all.

To the gentlemen who have made round 2, please submit a new picture and profile. The bar has been raised - or lowered, depending on how you look at it.


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